Monday, August 2, 2010


Sooo how many people are excited and surprised that Terrell Owens is now a Bengal? (Don’t everybody jump and scream with excitement at once.) Who do they think they are fooling? Its such a “coincidence” that T.O. and Ocho Cinco have just been attached at the hip for the past several months and both have their shows playing back to back on VH1. I wonder how much VH1 got out of the deal. The way players are going about signing there deals is making me nauseous trying to create this media circus frenzy to become the talk of the town. Just STOP you attention seeking slores! What makes me so mad about the whole ordeal is how TO based a lot of this seasons “The Real T.O. Show” around the fact that he was team less, under a lot of stress, and just couldn’t get himself together. He actually let’s out a few tears almost every episode that I thought were genuine!!! How real are you Terrell? Fooled me now I feel like I got played and as a fan of anyone what you don’t want to feel is like you got played. A true fan wants to feel appreciated like they are going through a struggle with you standing by your side the entire time, but when the fan realizes it was a hoax from the beginning all respect is lost. Its like you are a sell out for attention and that aint cool! Even if this was just something that happened and hadn’t been in the works already (which I hardly doubt) you cant make me change my mind that it wasn’t. It just looks too fishy and then you have Ocho and T.O. tag teaming together for some time now and both are two stars of VH1’s reality shows as well as now two key players for the same team (side eye) I GUESS! The show was actually starting to make me like TO personality wise I just could never give the guy a chance back in his Dallas Cowboy days but it looks like we are back to square one. So is this what team decisions are going to come to for players who are highly respected in the game? Build up all this anticipation and hype only to be disappointed by the frenzy that was caused for something so obvious? We all witnessed the fiasco behind Lebron James and his decision. It’s turning out to be more than what it should be.


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